
Breed: Cavelier King Charles Spaniel

Birthday: 8/12/2005

Sex: Female

Handler/Owner: Kurt Kauffman

ANNIE loves people of all ages and will cuddle with you anytime and anywhere. She has been visiting hospitals and schools since 2006. She is also her owner’s service dog and has traveled all over the country with him. Her favorite pastime is playing with her brother, Gus. Annie is a joyful friend and a loyal therapy-service partner.


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Sadie Ann

Sadie Ann

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Sadie Ann

Sadie Ann

[ad_1] Please keep voting. Encourage your friends to vote. Please share to your page. Sadie AnnIt is an honor to nominate therapy dog Sadie Ann. Sadie Ann belongs to Rim of the World Comfort Pets (RWCP). Sadie Ann, a mixed...

Sadie Ann

Sadie Ann

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